Fusion Engineering and Design Award at ISFNT
The award aims at acknowledging outstanding contributions to the field of Fusion Nuclear Technology by young scientists still in education. The contributions take into account for the award are oral and poster presented to the ISFNT Conference. The award is intended for presenting first authors that are student (Master or PhD) in the calendar year 2025.
Award Prize
The winner of the award will receive $1,000 (one thousand) and a certificate attesting the achievement, given at the banquet dinner.
Miya-Abdou Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to the Field of Fusion Nuclear Technology
The award aims at acknowledging outstanding technical contributions to the field of Fusion Nuclear Technology at a young age. The technical contributions can be in any field that is within the scope of ISFNT. The award is intended for scientists and engineers of age 40 or younger on the first day of the calendar year 2025 at the time of nomination.
Award Prize
The winner of the award will receive $5,000 (five thousand) and a certificate plaque briefly citing his/her principal achievements, given at the banquet dinner. In addition, he/she will be proposed to the International Program Committee for an invitation to an oral presentation at the next ISFNT.